
Keeping Small Pet Rodents Warm in the Winter

I'm an animal lover...obviously. And as a child I kept all sorts of things in the corner of my bedroom- from hamsters to gerbils to mice to rats, I loved them all. Living in Alaska though, you really have to ensure that these short haired creatures stay warm. So, as with most of my other posts, I've come up with a list of things to help keep small pets warm in our not-so-warm environment.

Bath Tissue Tubes With Cotton Inside: Gather some old empty rolls from your bathroom and line them with cotton or soft tissue. In the lower-48 people use plane tubes as toys, but in Alaska you can fill them with soft material and make them insulated hiding places that your little creature can cuddle in and keep warm.

Thick Bedding: Some small pets, such as gerbils, require deep bedding to dig- but I think in Alaska it should be used for all small rodents. Aspen is a good commercial choice, but a cheaper alternative is all natural tundra moss gathered from your backyard. It's all over Alaska and works great for small pets without causing respiratory problems. Pluck some moss clumps up, bring them home, and dry them out in your oven at 250 degrees for about fifteen minutes. Once it's dry you can use it as a bedding for your small pets. So much cheaper and healthier than aspen bedding anyways!

Reptile Tank Heater: These things are great for tanks of mice and gerbils. Don't place it on the bottom, but rather on the side. It will give your little pets a place to snuggle up and keep warm without overheating the bottom with all the insulated bedding.

Felt Fabric Pieces: You can buy a package of felt pieces at a craft store for about $5.00. Put one in and let your little pet shred it to pieces and create it's own bed. The felt is naturally really warm and works great for breeding pets too.

Tundra Cotton: I love this stuff! It's literally the best Alaskan pet product you can find for free. Simply pluck the tops of these flowers when they are in bloom and stick them in little beds, hammocks, and hiding toys to insulate them. They're so soft you're little creatures will adore you. And, once again, they're free!

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