
Best Stylish Alaskan-Wear for Tweens/Teens

Keeping your kids- especially tweens and teens, warm and stylish is literally impossible in Alaska. I know the village kids here love a few select things that keep them warm:

Toe Socks: Tween girls (ages 9 to 12) seem to love toe socks out here. I did too when I was their age. Usually these socks are made with thicker better material than other normal socks and they tend to be warmer. Great way to keep their feet warm!

Fluffy Socks: These are another huge hit with tween girls. Look for socks that have a really soft fluffy material. I'm not sure what to call it, but it really is warm! I use them all the time throughout the winter, and I know countless girls here who share the same admiration for them.

Fur Ruffs: This is more of a teen thing. Add a fur ruff to a goose down parka (of their choice). Boys tend to like wolf and almost any girl would go for an arctic fox. Ruffs really do help block winds from hitting the face and prevent frost bite- and they're actually in style right now. Even the 'faux fur' ruffs that come on most department store coats can help block are harsh arctic winds.

Matching Glove/Hat/Scarf Sets: This probably goes more for girls than boys. But I've noticed if you give a teen girl a matching set of outdoor accessories, she's more likely to wear them because they actually accessorize her outfit instead of just keep her warm.

Stalking Caps: This one is a better one for boys. Fortunately stalking caps have never really went out of style, so let him pick out one. It may not be as great as a fur hat, but at least he won't come home with frozen ears from school. This is one accessory that teen boys around here actually will be seen in public wearing.

Fur Boots: I don't mean so much like mukluks, but just faux fur boots that have a 'modern bohemian' appearance. Most teen girls can pick out a color and style of fur boots that they'll love to wear. Another great way to persuade a girl to dress warm!

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